Friday, October 30, 2009


LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! Wah today Happy DAy for EVERYONE LEH All happy cuz Last Day of School but next year 'N' Level Wah Need to study..... But overall i did quiet good (:

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Ooppssss Almost forget about my blog pass fewww......

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Today bored...

Today bored.. Im bored nonthing to do play Cs also boring but still fun when is not boring. Anymore fun games to play?? May i know?

Thursday, October 15, 2009


YAY!!!!!!! NO more Exam Now can Party and Have fun like crazy no one going to stop anyone from partying.. Well all the best to my friends in school in their up coming result for End of Year examination . :D

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


What to day very im so tired...... Way today the EBS Paper to me First to the 7 page easy then the rest like F...k. And Aslo today iv'e played soccer with my friends very fun......... but it makes me tired cuz i need to run around like wat sia.... And TOMMOROW THE LAST PAPER FOR ALL THE EXAM!!!!!! AT LAST IT ENDED TOMMOROW OR NOT I WILL SLEEP FOR THE REST OF THE OTHER PAPER....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today at 3.00 i woke up to play computer cuz i cannot even sleep.... my eyes are FREACKING wide OPEN!!! What to do now.... Im playing computer games such a Runescape. I think when i get bored playing game i'll sleep..... :D in the mean time i'll play games..


Wah im tired... Today the test CPA practical. You can say it was easy. And Today me and my friends when out to BPP... Wah We walk from school to Bukit Panjang Plaza (BPP) for short then we walk back to jelapang to leck leck.. then we when home. Tommorow have another test at 9am cuz school start late tommorow and the paper is 1h 30min and it's a EBS paper -.-" and the paper is the same time as the CPA Practical. LMAO! I think the EBS paper should be 1h not 1h 30mins.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Today i played wolfteam... i get killed 12 time and i kill 27 and the game ends.... want to know why all left the game.. :( . Now im bored cuz no one play WT for short for (wolfteam) Now i only Rank (staff sergeant). And My other friend higher than me pro sniper to me.... He really good in this game. And the other one He good in Gernade (nade) for short. We call him NADE BOI.. BUT please He WT name is Not NADEBOI!!!!! Beware of this two guy NADEBOI and SNIPERBOI. I cannot Reveal the name cuz it's a secret and i dun like to blow out secret!!! So dun ask me Wat the name of their WT acc

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Runescape xD

Runescape!!!!! Still currently playing this game but im not that always online. Now playing Wolfteam with my bestfriends :D. ( I can't tell my Runescape name or lvl :D) still a member though


Wah Today like wat sia boring the math paper like F...k but atleast i get to sleep for 1 hours :D. Today nonthing to do go out also boring play computer game get bored. soo... anything intersting this day that not so boring?? /\_/\

Saturday, October 10, 2009


HALLOWEEN!!!.... LOL I aslo dunno why i say HALLOWEEN. Time for HALLOWEEN. HeHeHe Time to scare people off...

Tommorow -.-"

Tommorow -.-".... Exam Math my weak subject in the whole subject in school. Dunno why it's my worst ever subject keep forgeting how to do the formula. I hope i pass my Math if not i'll try my best next year :D but after Math i got another exam the next day CPA. Wah more sian practical some more 1st shifft never mind but 2nd leh ever time 2nd. (-.-")

Friday, October 9, 2009

Today xD

Wah today boring again... what to do. I want to go out but no one to go out with, that make even more boring. What to do now play game? Go out? Sleep? watching tv? or Sleep?.... Whatever about that. Maybe i go out and see wat up this day in vivocity or somewhere that fun to go.. But eventually i'll get bored if i no one goes out with me :P. What to do Now Someone tell leh!!!! All the best to my classmate heh in the examination..

Love Poem :D

In a desperate trance I wait for you,
too in love to move or think,
you ripped me apart, tore me in two,
before I could even blink.
Your deep green eyes they torture me,
forever mocking my dark tears,
your sweet, sweet laughter circles me,
still ringing in my ears,
You do not hold me.
You do not kiss me.
You do not love me.
Like you used to.
Your love it is for someone else,
but my love, you are for me.
we were so good, so perfect so fine,
but still, i'm left behind.
I wish that you would hold me.
I wish that you would kiss me.
I wish that you would love me.
Like you used to.


Hi.... Can anyone tell me wat game is fun this day.... i get bored sometime playing runescape, y8 and SA for your info (not playing SA anymore.). Currently playing Wolfteam.. Is there any game that dun require downloading but fun.. Please not habbo..

Today My Day

Wah today sian bored at home nonthing to do -.-"... And also today the science paper wah like wat hard sia i though got alot of electricity quest but noo.... go alot of the momentom thing. Overall the paper was quite challenging make me do the paper for like 50mins never done that long before...... can anyone tell me ( how to put new template for my blog not the custom blog 1 the design template and how to put chatbox??)